our environments affects our inner world , and our inner world is often reflected in our surroundings .

to best help my clients, i often work with both the inner and outer worlds simultaneously


interior design:

stages & what one can expect in a partial or full design service

— initial meet and greet

 Hi nice to meet you, lets collaborate and see how I may be of help to you.

  • feasibility study

  • site survey

  • brain storming

  • setting initial project scope

  • understand and define your needs ( budget + schedule )

— schematic design

Maybe you just need a couple layouts and nothing more, or maybe you need a more complete set of plans to help you with planning permissions + some mood boards to help you decide, but this is the first major design phase that sets the foundation for the next design stages. It focuses on getting the space plan right, i.e. the circulation and flow ~

  • existing plan —> demolition and construction plan —> new floor plan

  • mood boards (imageries that help showcase design intent and colour palette)

  • showroom visits

— design development

Once the Schematic Design phase is done and everyone is happy with the new space plan, and everyone is on the same page with the design intent (look and feel, style, colour scheme), then it’s time to take it up a notch and bring the drawings into more details

  • additional plans added to the set : RCP (reflected ceiling plan), power and data plan, furniture plan, floor finishes plan

  • 3D modeling / illustration along with elevations provided of any key areas, or the overall space

  • FF&E - furniture, fixtures, finishes, and equipment schedule (think of a shopping list of all selected items)

— construction document

Now it’s time to bring the agreed and approved set of DD into this final stage, this is when all the drawings are turned into a construction manual so to speak, that would contain all the necessary information for the builders to bid from and build from

  • dimensioned drawings with all selected and approved FF&E called out

  • bespoke design if any, drawn to detail to be provided to fabricators to review and quote. Shop drawings to be provided and reviewed

  • CD set used in the tendering process, without it the builders may not be able to provide costing accurately

  • the final set approved by client, for the builders to refer do during construction

— purchasing / furniture selection

This may be a part of the full design service, or this may be the only type of service you need. In any case please don’t hesitate to get in touch, I am happy to help.


theta healing:

guided talk therapy in the relaxed theta brainwave - your subconscious

—let what lays beneath the iceberg be seen

Thank you for trusting in me, lets discover what underlying believes are holding you back.

  • relationship issues

  • long term health concerns

  • self worth

  • fear, anxiety, anger, frustration, resentment, regret, rejections towards person or situation

—we find the whys

How often do we ask ourselves “why?” It could be “why me”, “why now”, “why is this happening” so on and so forth. And how often do things suddenly clear up and change the moment we think we have found the cause, because with the true cause being identified then that’s when we have the power to make a change, and see / feel everything with new found freshness and clarity.

However, a lot of the times what we consciously know as the reason behind our various forms of frustration, anger, and disappointment isn’t really the real reason, and that’s why some of us feel like we are stuck in a repetition of one form or another. In other words, what we consciously believe are the stumbling blocks in our way of our life’s success, are actually just manifestations of deeply rooted, and hidden underlying restrictive believes.

As a Theta Healer, I help guide you to see the real cause of the problems that may be troubling you.

—we rewrite the story

With real causes uncovered, we can explore and see what other facades of the particular subject matter may be missed, and gain the wisdom and new found perspective on the topic at hand by releasing dated, less suitable emotions and ideas.

You may feel many “A-ha!” moments in the session, feel a great release of bottled up ancient emotions, or find newly discussed ideas fascinating that give you the boost of confidence + motivation that you’ve been longing for.

The possibilities are endless, and we have the power within ourselves to create new meaningful journeys in life - because this is your life, your story, and you can believe and trust that it can be told and played out in a way you want it to be. A way that is highest and best for you.

— feel and experience the change

Like everything else in life, the best way to test a theory is by putting it into practice. This means go out there, see and feel the world differently, approach your relationship with yourself (first and foremost), and others differently, turn new learning and wisdom into actions. Make each moment count as witness to the new you.

Theta Healing Therapy sessions can help you identify hidden issues, release the negative energies and welcome in the positive virtues, but the real key to success is none other than you!

So take your new self into the world and make it count. Believe in yourself, feel the joy and the gratitude (most important), and let the light shine through.